How to Get Ice Off Your Windshield Quickly and Easily

Winter has arrived and you’re absolutely dreading getting up at 6am to a car that is completely frosted over. While de-icing your car’s windows is never going to be a task that you look forward to, it doesn’t have to be a massive chore providing you follow some simple tips and tricks.

Read on to find out how to get ice off your car window quickly and easily…

Method 1: Warm Water

If you have access to warm water, according to -, this method is both quick and easy.

  1. Fill a bucket or large jug with some warm water. Important: Using hot or boiling water can cause your windows to crack, so make sure the water is lukewarm and not hot or boiling.
  2. Pour the water over your windows, making sure that you cover all areas. The ice will become translucent or may even disappear completely.
  3. Use an ice scraper to remove the slush from each window. If you don’t have a scraper to hand, you could also use a spatula or even an old credit card. Just be sure that you don’t use anything that could scratch the glass!
  4. If you missed any areas, re-apply the warm water and repeat as necessary.

Method 2: De-icing Fluid

De-icing fluid is widely available in auto shops and hardware stores, but if you don’t have any to hand, you can also make your own. To do this, simply mix 70% isopropyl alcohol with a couple of drops of dish soap. You’ll also need a spray bottle.

  1. Spray the de-icer onto your windows, making sure that each panel is coated with a liberal amount. Let it soak for two minutes before moving onto the next step.
  2. Put on a glove and use your hand to remove the remaining slush from each window. If the temperature is really low, you might also have to use a scraper – but the remaining ice should now be much easier to remove.
  3. If necessary, re-apply the de-icer and repeat.

Method 3: Defroster and Credit Card

Don’t have any de-icing fluid or warm water to hand? This third method is perfect for those situations when you’ve been caught out and need to know how to get ice off your car window without using specialist tools.

  1. Start your car and turn on the window heater/defroster to its maximum warm setting. Leave it running throughout this process in order to help the ice to melt.
  2. Find a suitable credit card or plastic store card that you can use as an improvised scraper. Important: An expired card is best since you run the risk of damaging the card as you scrape!
  3. Use the card to scrape the ice away from the windows. For best results, try to keep the card straight and do not allow it to bend or flex in any way. Note that you will need to be persistent and have a little patience – but it should do the job.

Now you know how to remove ice from your windshield. If you still need assistance, visit a Dealer Auto Glass location to get more information and training.

Did you know you can clean your windshield with Vinegar? It’s true, read more about using vinegar to clean your windshield here.